Saturday, May 12, 2007

An Evening At The Ballet

Tonight Elizabeth and I went to see the ballet. I have been hearing Maggie talk about Robin and her ballet dancing for years, to the point where Tim and Brian (her other children) have had to declare a 'Ballet Free Zone'! I have to say, it was fantastic! The show was Carmina Burana, and it was amazing! Robin was unbelievable! She has been dancing with Smuin Ballet in San Francisco now for 5 years. Fantastic! She owned that stage! I can certainly see what all the buzz has been about! EP and I both really enjoyed it, and were happy to get out for an evening of culture. The picture below is what we encountered upon our return home. I guess some find an evening at the ballet culture, others are quite cultured by Grand Turismo 4 on the Play Station! To each their own....(5/12/07)

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