We did have our traditional Swedish fare (similar to last year) complete with meatballs, potatoes, 4 different kinds of herring, eggs with caviar, smoked salmon, shrimp with Peter's special sås, and of course akavit! We had quite a turnout this year and good times were had by all! Here's to good food, great friends, and a fantastic summer! Skål!
The Swedish chef hard at work.
It all starts with the food.
Herring: mustard, original, creamy garlic, and dill. Mmmmm.....
Smoked salmon, and baby shrimp with sås and dill.
Just getting warmed up.
T. with Rob and Devon.
The spread
P and Rob enjoying the herring.
Mark and Joey sporting their Swedish colors.
Rob and Bevin (not to be confused with Devon)
P. passing out the akavit, and Devon feeling a little unsure about it.
Kodak moment with Bob and Carolyn.
You can never have too much akavit!
Joey and Erica enjoying the swedish fish.
Maggie enjoying the breadsticks while Brian pretends he doesn't know her.
Big Al in the house! And it is past 10:00! Way past 10:00......
A rare Jimmy James sighting!
Even DJ Pete Marvelous made an appearance