Friday, May 25, 2007

The Road to Encinitas

We decided to take a road trip and head south for the weekend to Encinitas. (just 25 mi. north of San Diego) We had a fabulous time and we were definitely able to hit the 'reset button'. Especially after our stop in Laguna Beach at the Surf and Sand Resort. They actually leave ear plugs at the bedside table because the waves are so loud! We ate well, slept well, took in the waves, and the great weather. We were also able to stop by and see our friends Markus and Charlie and they were gracious enough to give us a place to crash. It was so good to see them, even though we did take a beating in a game of Spades. We fell in love with the area, from the surf to the sushi, not to mention Swamis for breakfast and a stop at the Pannikin Cafe on the way out of town. We would love to find a way to make our next visit to Encinitas a permanent one, but until then we will continue to shop for the right longboard. (5/25/07)


Anonymous said...

Heck yeah! Now you can see why that town convinced us to move to Cali. I'm glad you guys liked it. Did you see the houses that are designed like boats...Seems like a theme.


Elizabeth said...

Sniff...sniff...(insert EP crying here). Next time I am tagging along even if you have to put me in your pocket! Oh Encinitas, how I miss you.....

PS - You guys are starting to look like the hippies we knew were there, deep inside of you. Success BV - we've had success!