Tonight P. and I went out on the town for dinner and a movie. First we went to
Smaka for some beer and appetizers, which of course consisted of a herring plate....very nice presentation I might add. Then we went for some pasta at an Italian joint before we went to see
Michael Clayton. Very excellent movie, and job well done by George Clooney. A few interesting things to note about seeing a movie in Sweden: all of the seats are reserved, like you are going to a concert. It is a pretty slick idea, actually. Also, I discovered that seeing a movie in Sweden is really not that different that seeing a movie in the states (other than the Swedish subtitles...I am going to get this language down yet!) People still chew their popcorn quite loudly, open their candy (we did have to get a bag of
bilar) at inappropriate times, and forget to turn off their cell phones.
It really is a small world.
Nothing beats Pripps Blå and knäckebröd.

P. very happy to be inside from the pouring rain.

Herring plate. Mmmmm.
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.
Same goes for me...and what kind of beer did you have?
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