Sunday, October 7, 2007

Rock Beats Scissors.....

Well, it was quite a day at the Flamingo Hotel in Santa Rosa. People came out of the woodwork for the 5th Annual Rock Paper Scissors Tournament complete with costumes and their hunger to win. We all made it through the first round and felt pretty good about it. Peter was actually quite strong and had many betting on him in the crowd. He wore his sunglasses to intimidate his opponent and said, "the only person I am here to beat, is myself." I am not even sure what that means. In the end, he had to face Brett and did not quite cut the mustard against his pal. I actually made it to the final round, with the top 12 Rosham'pros', but alas, Rock beats Scissors everytime. It all came down to the last throw. Doesn't it always?? Although I didn't win, I did get some props from the Press Democrat. My goal is always to win, but more importantly, my goal is to get press. So, as far as I am concerned, I am a winner!

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