Saturday, May 24, 2008

More fun in P-town

A few highlights from another attempt at taking on P-town with the Van Emsts. Some pizza, car racing, and then a game of pool at the Buckhorn Tavern, which was a great little place that reminded us of Smittys. (Sadly, it was also discovered that I am really bad at pool.) Definitely a good time complete with a waffle bar in the morning. No pictures were taken of the fantastic waffle footage since we inhaled them as soon as they were hot off the grill. I am not sure how they are going to top that one! Until next time....

First, Pinky's Pizza...great crust, and would be willing to try sausage and mushroom next time.
(especially if they leave it in the oven just a few more minutes)

P. feeling pretty good about beating Brett, just before his championship tiara was taken away from him by EP.  Nicely done Eeps!

No amount of chalk was going to help me improve my game.  

The 'A-Team' getting ready to show me how it's done.
A quick look at 'I Don't Like You in That Way'. 
 Some light junk reading that puts Perez Hilton to shame.  

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