Last night we met up at Smitty's for a few beers and a round of Golden Tee. We hadn't been to Smitty's in ages, and based on the headache I have today, I know why! I can't wait for the 2nd Annual Shuffle Scuffle to begin! Oh, not to mention I am currently the reigning champion in Golden Tee, beating Brett by one stroke! Don't ask Peter what his score was. He keeps telling me he does better on a real golf course, but that remains to be seen....
Peter watches how it's done in anticipation of his turn getting yet another penalty stroke for a water hazzard.
Brett does his impression of what Ansel Adams would do if he actually put himself in the pictures.
Peter feeling festive on the walk home, has a moment with Frosty.
I posted a comment on here saying that your picture selection sucks! Then you take down the comment? I am boycotting.
You guys are in for a Phase 10 beat down soon....
I apologize, but we never received the aformentioned comment, therefore it could not have been removed. And why the harsh tones with the picture selection?
You can hang on to your Phase 10 champion status for now, but you should BRING IT, cuz you are goin' down sucka!
Pete has a devilish grin - suggesting that his right hand is holding a super long blue dildo, and is reaming Frosty's ass.
~Freshly Squeezed
Santa is watching Andy! You sick bastard! Although, I will give you props for your attention to detail.'s about time you dropped a comment. It was worth the wait.
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